Well I couldn't think of a better place for the Governing Body to make their new home then right on a chemical waste site of a nickle producing company(buyer beware). The Toxic Love Canal Headquarters of Jehovah's Faithful and Discreet Slave.
Biological role[edit]
Although not recognized until the 1970s, nickel plays important roles in the biology of microorganisms and plants.[60][61] The plant enzyme urease (an enzyme that assists in the hydrolysis of urea) contains nickel. The NiFe-hydrogenases contain nickel in addition to iron-sulfur clusters. Such [NiFe]-hydrogenases characteristically oxidise H
2. A nickel-tetrapyrrole coenzyme, Cofactor F430, is present in the methyl coenzyme M reductase, which powers methanogenic archaea.[62] One of the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase enzymes consists of an Fe-Ni-S cluster.[63] Other nickel-containing enzymes include a rare bacterial class of superoxide dismutase[64] and glyoxalase I enzymes in bacteria and several parasitic eukaryotic trypanosomal parasites [65] (this enzyme in higher organisms, including yeast and mammals, uses divalent zinc, Zn2+).[66][67][68][69][70]
Nickel can have an impact on human health through infectious diseases arising from nickel-dependent bacteria.[71] Nickel released from Siberian Traps volcanic eruptions (site of the modern city of Norilsk) is suspected of having had a significant impact on the role played by Methanosarcina, a genus of euryarchaeote archaea that produced methane during thebiggest extinction event on record.[72]
In the US, the minimal risk level of nickel and its compounds is set to 0.2 µg/m3 for inhalation during 15–364 days.[73] Nickel sulfide fume and dust are believed carcinogenic, and various other nickel compounds may be as well.[74][75][76] Nickel carbonyl, [Ni(CO)
4], is an extremely toxic gas. The toxicity of metal carbonyls is a function of both the toxicity of the metal as well as the carbonyl's ability to give off highly toxic carbon monoxide gas, and this one is no exception; nickel carbonyl is also explosive in air.[77][78]
In the US, the Tolerable Upper Limit of dietary nickel is 1000 µg/day,[79] while estimated average ingestion is 69-162 µg/day.[80] Large amounts of nickel (and chromium) – comparable to the estimated average ingestion above – leach into food cooked in stainless steel. For example, the amount of nickel leached after 10 cooking cycles into one serving of tomato sauce averages 88 µg.[81][82]
Sensitized individuals may show an allergy to nickel, affecting their skin, known as dermatitis. Sensitivity to nickel may also be present in patients with pompholyx. Nickel is an important cause of contact allergy, partly due to its use in jewellery intended for pierced ears.[83] Nickel allergies affecting pierced ears are often marked by itchy, red skin. Many earrings are now made nickel-free due to this problem. The amount of nickel allowed in products that come into contact with human skin is regulated by the European Union. In 2002, researchers found amounts of nickel being emitted by 1 and 2 Euro coins far in excess of those standards. This is believed to be due to a galvanic reaction.[84] Nickel was voted Allergen of the Year in 2008 by the American Contact Dermatitis Society.[85]
Reports also showed that both the nickel-induced activation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1) and the up-regulation of hypoxia-inducible genes are due to depleted intracellularascorbate levels. The addition of ascorbate to the culture medium increased the intracellular ascorbate level and reversed both the metal-induced stabilization of HIF-1- and HIF-1α-dependent gene expression.[86][87]
Although not recognized until the 1970s, nickel plays important roles in the biology of microorganisms and plants.[60][61] The plant enzyme urease (an enzyme that assists in the hydrolysis of urea) contains nickel. The NiFe-hydrogenases contain nickel in addition to iron-sulfur clusters. Such [NiFe]-hydrogenases characteristically oxidise H
2. A nickel-tetrapyrrole coenzyme, Cofactor F430, is present in the methyl coenzyme M reductase, which powers methanogenic archaea.[62] One of the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase enzymes consists of an Fe-Ni-S cluster.[63] Other nickel-containing enzymes include a rare bacterial class of superoxide dismutase[64] and glyoxalase I enzymes in bacteria and several parasitic eukaryotic trypanosomal parasites [65] (this enzyme in higher organisms, including yeast and mammals, uses divalent zinc, Zn2+).[66][67][68][69][70]
Nickel can have an impact on human health through infectious diseases arising from nickel-dependent bacteria.[71] Nickel released from Siberian Traps volcanic eruptions (site of the modern city of Norilsk) is suspected of having had a significant impact on the role played by Methanosarcina, a genus of euryarchaeote archaea that produced methane during thebiggest extinction event on record.[72]
In the US, the minimal risk level of nickel and its compounds is set to 0.2 µg/m3 for inhalation during 15–364 days.[73] Nickel sulfide fume and dust are believed carcinogenic, and various other nickel compounds may be as well.[74][75][76] Nickel carbonyl, [Ni(CO)
4], is an extremely toxic gas. The toxicity of metal carbonyls is a function of both the toxicity of the metal as well as the carbonyl's ability to give off highly toxic carbon monoxide gas, and this one is no exception; nickel carbonyl is also explosive in air.[77][78]
In the US, the Tolerable Upper Limit of dietary nickel is 1000 µg/day,[79] while estimated average ingestion is 69-162 µg/day.[80] Large amounts of nickel (and chromium) – comparable to the estimated average ingestion above – leach into food cooked in stainless steel. For example, the amount of nickel leached after 10 cooking cycles into one serving of tomato sauce averages 88 µg.[81][82]
Sensitized individuals may show an allergy to nickel, affecting their skin, known as dermatitis. Sensitivity to nickel may also be present in patients with pompholyx. Nickel is an important cause of contact allergy, partly due to its use in jewellery intended for pierced ears.[83] Nickel allergies affecting pierced ears are often marked by itchy, red skin. Many earrings are now made nickel-free due to this problem. The amount of nickel allowed in products that come into contact with human skin is regulated by the European Union. In 2002, researchers found amounts of nickel being emitted by 1 and 2 Euro coins far in excess of those standards. This is believed to be due to a galvanic reaction.[84] Nickel was voted Allergen of the Year in 2008 by the American Contact Dermatitis Society.[85]
Reports also showed that both the nickel-induced activation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1) and the up-regulation of hypoxia-inducible genes are due to depleted intracellularascorbate levels. The addition of ascorbate to the culture medium increased the intracellular ascorbate level and reversed both the metal-induced stabilization of HIF-1- and HIF-1α-dependent gene expression.[86][87]
Love Canal was a neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York, located in the LaSalle section of the city. It officially covers 36 square blocks in the far southeastern corner of the city, along 99th Street and Read Avenue. Two bodies of water define the northern and southern boundaries of the neighborhood: Bergholtz Creek to the north and the Niagara River one-quarter mile (400 m) to the south. In the mid-1970s Love Canal became the subject of national and international attention after it was revealed in the press that the site had formerly been used to bury 22,000 tons of toxic waste by Hooker Chemical Company (now Occidental Petroleum Corporation).
Hooker Chemical involuntarily sold the site to the Niagara Falls School Board in 1953 for $1, with a deed detailing the presence of dangerous chemical wastes and including a liability limitation clause about the contamination.[1] Long after having taken control of the land the School Board proceeded to have it developed, including construction activity that substantially breached containment structures in a number of ways, allowing previously trapped chemicals to seep out. The resulting breaches combined with particularly heavy rainstorms released and spread the chemical waste, leading to a public health emergency and an urban planning scandal. In what became a test case for liability clauses Hooker Chemical was found to be "negligent" in their disposal of waste, though not reckless in the sale of the land. The dumpsite was discovered and investigated by the local newspaper, the Niagara Falls Gazette, from 1976 through the evacuation in 1978.